CK Scripts

slomo mofo:

SloMo Mofo is a retiming tool designed to give the artist control over the timing of his/her scene. It essentially point caches all animated objects and wires them to a single controller.

Geo Optimizer:

Geo Optimizer is a script designed to optimize a scenes geometry. This is done by collapsing the geometry down to an editable mesh.

This script tuns through the stack of every object in a scene. If there is a top-level TurboSmooth, it will be removed. The script will take into account any animation modifiers (eg, Point Cache, Skin, etc etc). It will then collapse the stack down to an editable mesh. Finally will add an instanced TurboSmooth back to the objects that originally possessed a TurboSmooth.

Turbosmooth Manager:

TurboSmooth Manager is a simple tool for managing TurboSmooths in a scene. More specifically it finds all the objects in a scene that have a top-level TurboSmooth. It removes the TurboSmooths and then stores the object in a selections set. When you are done you can add an instanced TurboSmooth to the stored objects.

Make Dynamic Camera

Make Dynamic Camera adds camera shake to the selected camera or vray camera. This takes the form of an attribute holder that has custom attributes linked to noise modifiers in the camera. It then adds noise modifiers to the different attributes of the cameras.